The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina (2025)

The hyfcx-Joumd, Gf nwood, October 2, 1994 9A Panic, sinmbsr of espscted Mi in capital grow plagaze case III OT7 (l i i -r the Estonia sank. Asked at a news conference if the picture confirms something was missing from the ferry's bow, Finnish naval expert Jouko Nuorteva said, "Maybe, bat we can't be sure." One picture seemed to show cloud of fuel floating from the wreckage. Nuorteva said there Is evidence that fuel leaked out from the 515-foot ship, Investigators will know more once they can deploy the suitcase-size Sea Owl robots, which are equipped with three cameras and several mechanical arms. They are not meant to go inside the ferry, because their cables could get snagged. But they would hover near it and send pictures up to the surface for examination by Investigators.

High winds and waves blocked their use on Saturday and the Halli itself was temporarily diverted to another emergency in the treacherous waters. NEW DELHI, India (AP) The hospital treating plague patients in India's capital ran out of beds Saturday as the number of panicked people reporting symptoms swelled. Authorities examined, passengers leaving from the country international airports and fumigated planes. As many as 400 suspected cases of pneumonic plague, which has killed 58 people in the past few weeks, have been reported in New Delhi, the Press Trust of India news agency said. Of those, 22 are confirmed.

Most suspected cases are turning out to be other diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia or even common colds, doctors said. The difficulty of diagnosing the plague is compounded by the fact that many Indians are taking antibiotics as soon as they detect any symptoms. The government banned over-the-counter sale of tetracycline, an antibiotic used to treat the plague, to stop panic-buying of the drug. "There is tremendous fear, and the fright embroiled with indiscriminate use of antibiotic pills is causing immense diagnostic and psychological problem," said Dr. Barin Palit, a physician in New Delhi.

It can take as long as 72 hours to confirm a case of the plague by Wood test Two deaths due to suspected plague were reported in New Delhi on Saturday, raising the toll in the capital to four since the disease spread from the western city of Sural two weeks ago. The other 54 victims were all in SuraL Authorities were forced to create makeshift isolation wards in New Delhi's other general hospitals after the Infectious Diseases Hospital ran out of space. The plague is carried by rats "and fleas, and can be spread by a cough from an infected person. It is easily cured with antibiotics if caught early, but untreated is rapidly fatal. Trying to keep the disease from spreading to other countries, authorities checked passengers leaving the country's four international airports for symptoms.

Thousands of passengers were stranded in airports after many foreign airlines suspended flights out of India A 'X' 1 CEILED TURKU, Finland AP) Stormy weather postponed robot search Saturday of the wreckage of the ferry Estonia, but murky sonar pictures appeared to show that the ship's cargo door was sheared off. More than 900 people died when the ferry tank Wednesday off the coast of Finland. The Finnish salvage ship Halli waited in vain most of Satarday for a break in the itorm so it could lower two Sea Owl robots into the frigid Baltic Sea. At the rescue operations tenter in Turku in southwestern Finland, meanwhile, investigators pored over sonar images taken by salvage crews. Despite (he lack of detail, one picture clearly showed a bow that is flat, rather than pointed.

Swedish maritime safety chief Bengt Erik Stenmark said the cargo door the pointed part of the bow was ripped off by crashing waves before Cubans flock to new market for food MEXICO CITY (AP) Thousands of Cubans, hungry for fresh produce, flocked to two free markets that opened in Havana on Saturday as part of an experiment by the communist government to overcome growing shortages. About 10,000 people shopped in Havana's Cuatro Caminos market in its first six hours, the Cuban government news agency Prensa Latina estimated. At least 30 products were on sale, including potatoes, vegetables, cereal grains, pork, mutton, rabbit, beef and chicken stock and cooked dishes such as rice with frijole beans. All are impossible to get at government markets.AU essentials, including gasoline and other fuels, have been strictly rationed in Cuba since a 1958 revolution brought President Fidel Castro's regime to power. Until now, everything was controlled through ration cards and sold in government stores, except for a brief period in the mid-1970' when the government tried but failed to deregulate foodstuff retailing.

Subsidies kept prices low at government stores. But production has been dropping, shortages have grown and items have virtually disappeared from government stores since the demise of the Soviet Union. i 1 Piedmont Plaza 331 Main St. I WAL-MART CTR. UPTOWN 1 Porcelain Birthstone Doll- 12 months each with its own necklace and apron with embroidered month on it 91 IS rail i.

'r. BRIEFS Slovakia holds election BRATISLAVA, Slovakia (AP) Ex-Premier Vladimir Meciar, dumped by parliament last March for his authoritarian style and obstruction of economic reforms, emerged a clear winner in national elections today, exit polls showed. The elections are crucial for Slovakia, a central European state of 5.2 million people, as it struggles to establish its identity and rebuild a moribund economy. State radio and television said exit polls coordinated by the government statistics office snowed Meciar' Movement for a Democratic Slovakia winning 31 percent of the vote. The results suggested that several smaller, potential allies were doing well enough to give Meciar a good chance of forming the next government.

Meciar's closest rival, the Democratic Left, a party of former communists, was second with about 12 percent. A coalition of three ethnic Hungarian parties was third with about 11 percent, and the Christian Democrats were fourth with about 10 percent. Final official results were not expected before Tuesday. Slovakia and the richer Czech Republic went separate ways on Jan. 1, 1993.

Prosecutor looking into student's death MOSCOW (AP) Prosecutors are opening an investigation into the death of an American exchange student who was strangled in bis Moscow dormitory, Anthony Riccio, 21, of Glastonbury, was apparently thrown off a 16th story balcony Sept. 20 after being killed. Russian police at first suggested he had committed suicide. "The Russian Procurator's Office informed the American Embassy in Moscow today that it is opening a murder investigation," the embassy said in a statement Friday. The preliminary autopsy said Riccio had been murdered.

The embassy said "laboratory tests showed no drugs or alcohol in Mr. Riccio' blood." Gas explosion kills 20 in southern Chile SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) A gas explosion in a coal mine in southern Chile killed 20 workers, authorities said Saturday. One miner was rescued, but suffered serious burns' over 70 percent of his the government's National Emergency Office said. The explosion occurred around midnight Friday at Pique Arenas, a state-owned mine near Schwager, 340 miles south of Santiago. Such explosions, which occur when oxygen mixes with mostly methane gas in mines, are common.

Bus crash kills 35 NEW DELHI, India (AP) A crowded bus hit a bridge and fell into an irrigation canal Saturday, killing at least 35 people and injuring 60. The bus, traveling from Saratha to Balasore, crashed at Pejabola, 745 miles southeast of New Delhi, the United News of InJia agency reported. mm At least 15 countries, including Canada, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, have suspended flights to and from Bombay and New Delhi. Planes were sprayed with insecticides and inspected for rats, an airport official said. State governments in Bombay and New Delhi launched cleanup campaigns and hundreds of workers removed tons of garbage from the streets.

Health workers used loudspeakers to urge people to burn their garbage and go to a doctor immediately if they had a fever, sore throat and runny nose. More than 250 people are being treated with confirmed plague cases at state hospitals across the country, and several thousand are being examined for symptoms. After an estimated 400,000 people fled Sural to try to escape the outbreak, doctors reported dozens of suspected cases of pneumonic plague across the country. 'The World Health Organization issued a travel advisory saying only Sural is an epidemic zone and that there is no. restriction on traveling to India.

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The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina (2025)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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