TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (2024)

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TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (1)

Animal Planet

Animal Planet raidījumi atklāj mūsu planētas dzīvnieku pasauli visā tās daudzveidībā. Vienreizēji kadri un aizraujoši stāsti par dzīvnieku pasaules pārstāvjiem, kuri skrien, lido, peld un rāpo, raidījumi visu diennakti piesaistīs kā pieaugušo, tā arī bērnu uzmanību.

  • 01:00

    Shark Alley: Legend Of Dynamite (Shark Alley: Legend Of Dynamite)

    Shark Alley: Legend Of Dynamite (Shark Alley: Legend Of Dynamite)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (2)

    Following the adventures of a juvenile great white shark as he learns what it takes to survive in the ruthless hunting grounds surrounding Dyer Island, South Africa.

  • 01:45

    Alaska: Surviving the Last Frontier (Alaska: Surviving the Last Frontier)

    Alaska: Surviving the Last Frontier (Alaska: Surviving the Last Frontier)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (3)

    The volunteers encounter a blizzard, freezing rivers and sub-zero temperatures. They feel like they are losing it, but at this point there is no turning back.

  • 02:30

    Pit Bulls & Parolees (Pit Bulls & Parolees)

    Pit Bulls & Parolees (Pit Bulls & Parolees)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (4)

    Tania heads to California to pick up a former VRC dog whose adopter has died, and after being rescued, a badly injured puppy is discovered to be a missing pet.

  • 03:15

    Deadliest Shark (Deadliest Shark)

    Deadliest Shark (Deadliest Shark)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (5)

    Dr. Michael Domeier and Dr. Barry Bruce go looking for rare oceanic white tip sharks, to see if the species deserve the reputation as the 'World's Deadliest Shark'.

  • 04:00

    Shark Alley: Legend Of Dynamite (Shark Alley: Legend Of Dynamite)

    Shark Alley: Legend Of Dynamite (Shark Alley: Legend Of Dynamite)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (6)

    Following the adventures of a juvenile great white shark as he learns what it takes to survive in the ruthless hunting grounds surrounding Dyer Island, South Africa.

  • 04:45

    Animal Cops: Philadelphia (Animal Cops: Philadelphia)

    Animal Cops: Philadelphia (Animal Cops: Philadelphia)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (7)

    Pennsylvania SPCA animal protectors help a dog named Clyde, who has been attacked and left for death.

  • 05:30

    Tanked (Tanked)

    Tanked (Tanked)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (8)

    A Las Vegas laundry wants an aquarium built into a real washer-dryer unit! Plus, an optometrist wants an eye-popping underwater world for their patients.

  • 06:15

    Pit Bulls & Parolees (Pit Bulls & Parolees)

    Pit Bulls & Parolees (Pit Bulls & Parolees)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (9)

    Tania heads to California to pick up a former VRC dog whose adopter has died, and after being rescued, a badly injured puppy is discovered to be a missing pet.

  • 07:00

    My Cat from Hell (My Cat from Hell)

    My Cat from Hell (My Cat from Hell)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (10)

    Frankie the cat pees all over Daniel and Desiree's new multi-million dollar dream home. Plus, cat Sugar is hiding from newly adopted cat Dyna.

  • 07:50

    My Cat from Hell (My Cat from Hell)

    My Cat from Hell (My Cat from Hell)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (11)

    Maryam is a pet psychic, but she can't communicate with her vicious cat Lily. Plus, Khloe discovers an entire feral colony behind her parent's house.

  • 08:40

    Animal Cops: Philadelphia (Animal Cops: Philadelphia)

    Animal Cops: Philadelphia (Animal Cops: Philadelphia)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (12)

    Pennsylvania SPCA animal protectors help a dog named Clyde, who has been attacked and left for death.

  • 09:30

    Tanked (Tanked)

    Tanked (Tanked)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (13)

    A Las Vegas laundry wants an aquarium built into a real washer-dryer unit! Plus, an optometrist wants an eye-popping underwater world for their patients.

  • 10:25

    Pit Bulls & Parolees (Pit Bulls & Parolees)

    Pit Bulls & Parolees (Pit Bulls & Parolees)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (14)

    Tania heads to California to pick up a former VRC dog whose adopter has died, and after being rescued, a badly injured puppy is discovered to be a missing pet.

  • 11:20

    My Cat from Hell (My Cat from Hell)

    My Cat from Hell (My Cat from Hell)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (15)

    Maryam is a pet psychic, but she can't communicate with her vicious cat Lily. Plus, Khloe discovers an entire feral colony behind her parent's house.

  • 12:15

    Animal Cops: Philadelphia (Animal Cops: Philadelphia)

    Animal Cops: Philadelphia (Animal Cops: Philadelphia)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (16)

    An emaciated dog is brought in to the centre weighing only a third of a healthy bodyweight, and the team quickly discovers its owner also needs their urgent help.

  • 13:10

    Tanked (Tanked)

    Tanked (Tanked)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (17)

    A resort in Panama City Beach wants a nautical-themed fish tank as the centrepiece of its new restaurant! This job is bound to make the boys want a vacation!

  • 14:05

    Pit Bulls & Parolees (Pit Bulls & Parolees)

    Pit Bulls & Parolees (Pit Bulls & Parolees)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (18)

    After great flood of 2016 devastates Louisiana, Tia and the Villalobos team help the victims. An elderly woman is hospitalised and separated from her dogs.

  • 15:00

    The Zoo (The Zoo)

    The Zoo (The Zoo)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (19)

    The medical team must perform critical surgery on a bison calf born with a bowed leg. Three lynx kittens are ready to explore their exhibit.

  • 16:00

    The Zoo (The Zoo)

    The Zoo (The Zoo)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (20)

    The zoo staff work to build a relationship between a pair of Asian elephants with very different personalities. A beaver undergoes a tooth trim.

  • 17:00

    My Cat from Hell (My Cat from Hell)

    My Cat from Hell (My Cat from Hell)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (21)

    Maryam is a pet psychic, but she can't communicate with her vicious cat Lily. Plus, Khloe discovers an entire feral colony behind her parent's house.

  • 18:00

    Animal Cops: Philadelphia (Animal Cops: Philadelphia)

    Animal Cops: Philadelphia (Animal Cops: Philadelphia)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (22)

    When a husky with a deep wound on its neck is rescued, Pennsylvania SPCA vet Dr Rachel Lee is determined to save him.

  • 19:00

    Tanked (Tanked)

    Tanked (Tanked)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (23)

    Wayde og Brett skal bygge en enestående dam i sin egen bakgård - og bare én familie kan vinne!

  • 20:00

    Pit Bulls & Parolees (Pit Bulls & Parolees)

    Pit Bulls & Parolees (Pit Bulls & Parolees)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (24)

    Newlyweds from New Jersey seek a new family member, and back home with his family in Virginia, longtime parolee Sui faces a tough decision.

  • 21:00

    Legends Of the Wild (Legends Of the Wild)

    Legends Of the Wild (Legends Of the Wild)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (25)

    Crocodiles in Australia's Northern Territory are mysteriously showing up dead with no clear sign of trauma. What could be killing these incredible predators?

  • 22:00

    Legends Of the Wild (Legends Of the Wild)

    Legends Of the Wild (Legends Of the Wild)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (26)

    In the jungles of Luzon Province, locals believe a vampire-like evil spirit is picking off villagers. Could this be the work of a jungle predator?

  • 23:00

    Alaska Monsters (Alaska Monsters)

    Alaska Monsters (Alaska Monsters)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (27)

    The team investigates reports of a massive wolf. Todd constructs a massive jail cell to hold this creature, while Levi implements laser technology.

  • 00:00

    Meet the Orangutans (Meet the Orangutans)

    Meet the Orangutans (Meet the Orangutans)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (28)

    The orphaned orangutan Peanut is one of the newest and youngest arrivals at the sanctuary. He has made friends with Beryl, but he is not feeling very well.

  • 00:30

    Meet the Orangutans (Meet the Orangutans)

    Meet the Orangutans (Meet the Orangutans)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (29)

    The orphans are learning how to make important relationships. Mui Mui and Anne have become inseparable, but now Anne is pregnant, and she needs to be separated.

  • 01:00

    Meet the Penguins (Meet the Penguins)

    Meet the Penguins (Meet the Penguins)

    TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (30)

    Animal Planet. Overgrown mummy's boy Pete won't leave the parental home, and options are running out for a penguin with a dislocated knee. Plus, one-eyed Edgar is desperate to please his wife!

TV programma kanālam Animal Planet uz 06.09.2024 (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Views: 5622

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.